Dec 11, 2006

Still on money

Thank you.

Perhaps you are right on the fiat (paper) money and even more accurate on the element-based currencies. Sadly, it doesn't stop there. In fact, it doesn't start there either.

Issues like profit maximisation, cost minimisation, freedom of choice/speech, Micheal Milken's "greed is good", laissez faire, and even democracy has something to do with it. Hope to get into them and others when/if I have the time.

Everything promoted by the western countries has to be scrutinised and understood using the Quran. Matters relating to Muamalah has to be researched in the Quran not only using verses and hadith related to it; just like you can marry 4 and have to be fair and then you are told you'll never be fair no matter how hard you try. ........ or............. like you are to apply Qisas but the best is to forgive being read together with Surah Al-Asr. If you know (and believe with faith) the result of your action in the hereafter ......... something like that, Insya-allah.


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