Dec 28, 2006

Kekah oooo kekah

aritu nak 8 ekor je kat surau saujana impian but till today its 10 ekor lembu to tumbang this sunday. Hopefully the number of people helping to lapah lombu tu also increase so that the usual group would not have to work harder with the increased lembu.

It is easy to give money than to work on the lembu. Orang kita ni semua nye kaya2 thats why negara kena amik dek orang lain pon diorang tak kesah. Berapa ramai orang indon ada kat malaysia ni sampai kalau ada konfrontasi skali lagi rasanye overnight je diorang amik malaysia ni. And why is that? nak develop copek sangat sampai terpaksa amik orang luar buat keje. Sapa yang kaya? Mereka dan keluarga mereka gak.... yang miskin tu masih miskin gak.... gerainya kena roboh laktu. sian......

Berapa power nye cina and india kat malaysia ni sampai sekolah bahasa diorang pon ada, minister diorang pon ramai, kuil diorang pon melambak (kaya2 lak tu). Katanya atas nama kemakmuran masyarakat majmuk..... tapi maruah melayu tergadai tak sodar ko? Menteri ko rajo ko... samo yo.... pongocut!!!! tolor lombu lotak kek dalam buntut and buwek masaklomak!!! heheheh

Sure ada orang kata aku ni kolot.... tinggal kat zaman 50 an dgn komunis dulu. Tapi buka la mato tu bosa2. tengok apo dah jadi ngan orang mlayu. terutamam yang islam. rasanye 50an dulu lagi power diorang tu dari mlayu skarang ni.

Bona nyo perang tu bagus... 13 mei tu buat la lagi. Baru tau sapa kawan sapa lawan. Zaman skarang ni tak tau sapa kawan sapa lawan sebab tak de perang. Yang ada Perang business, perang blog, internet, perang mulut.... nak buek apo. Bagi kat NATO yo la tu.... No Action Talk Only. talk pon kalah gak.... di sumpah dek cino, di belit dek india, di sergah dek amarika dah gelabah.

Tapi susah gak.... melayu islam skarang ni banyak yang munafik dari yang ori. Bagi kontrak kat bukan islam melayu sobab ea melayu malaise, takde quality, lombab, terhegeh2 kata nye. Iyo lah... donga la cakap kafir tu. Biarla mlayu mati di bumi sendiri. Memang pon melayu ni lombik, sonang di pijak2 dek non malay. Walaupon tak semua but enuf to loose everything to them. Kato nyo kalau bagi project kat mlayu, tak jalan la pojek tu..... bona nyo pojek tak jalan lagi bagus dari jalan tapi dapat kat non-malays or non-muslim. Negara nak develop, biar la cino buek, kojo dek orang indon, and di mentera dek kuil indu kek mid valley tu and adviced by mat salleh.... mlayu tengok yo.... dah siap dapat nama yo.... tak malu!!!! Aku pon malu jadi mlayu!!

Tak po lah ai.... tunggu kiamat yo lah. Time tu tak sapo dapat lari. baru nampak sapa betul sapa salah. Doa yo lah kito di pihak betul and tak salah. Moga Allah terima tobat kito yo......

Dec 21, 2006

Christmas, New Year and Birthday

Do you celebrate your birthday? If you do, than you should celebrate christmas and new year as well. Or even Good Friday and halloween or bank holiday and so on and so forth for all the dates celebrated and calculated using the gregorian method. It makes life much easier that the dates have been predetemined and you know now what is the date of the day 100 years from now. However, are you allowed to do that?

The Quran states that the only thing certain in this world is death. Even that you dont know when its going to happen. Life would be much easier if you know when you're gonna die, right? WRONG!!!

So, who or what gives you the right to predetermined your action by setting the dates before hand? Just look at the Hijrah date. You will not know when the next month is until you are able to see the 'anak bulan' . Every month you need to look for the first day of the month before you could confirm that you are in the next month. That is also the reason why certain country is in this month while others are already in the next......:)

Actually, the predetermined dates supports RIBA. Wow!!! How the hell did somenoe deduce that? Well ... its easy really. Ask your self : can you calculate your interest if you do not know the coming dates? Dont think so. Tempest calender wont exist.

Going back to the Birthday thingy. Are we sinners to use the dates we use everyday? Maybe. We use it because they use it. They means the non-muslims. Why do we use it? Because it makes our life easier. Not really. You are here in this world to serve God. And perhaps to remind others that we are here to serve Allah. Do you need to know the future dates to do that? We are just too engrosed with this temporary world and do our best to gain as much as possible of this world that we fix the dates so that we can concentrate on taking as much of this world with us. But thats not why we are here in this world. We are here to serve Allah so that we could go to Heaven. And we dont need to now the dates to do that. Think about it...... Why do we need to know the dates?

The Mecca and Madianh Arabs even question the Malaysians as to why do we celebrate the birthday of Nabi Muhamad saw. Just like we're supposed to celebrate the arrival of Ramadhan but we celebrate the arrival of Syawal more. Its all about MONEY/WEALTH really. .....

Tried converting Masihi birthdates to the Hijrah dates and got a few dates. because 1 Muharam in Malaysia may be 2nd in Saudi.

Lets use the Hijrah date and see/realize all the sins that we have done when we use the Masihi date.


Dec 16, 2006

Indian vs Chinese

An issue in the news recently caught my attention. Indian merchants in India and Chinese merchants in China found it hard to work together. Perhaps it was due to government policies that purposely restricts trade between the two country. The main reason perhaps being the possibility of unequal distribution of wealth among the trading countries.

The whole world knows that India and China are 2 of the world largest economy. They are self sustaining, huge and lots of market, have language barriers, and more importantly both are managed by totally different political and cultural style and belief. Surprisingly, both races are thriving here in Malaysia, especially the Chinese, perhaps due to the business minded south and southeast china descendants we have here (look and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan). But still, they cant really work together, unless there is a Malay amongst them. And maybe due to the type of Indian we have here in Malaysia...... the workers rather than the businessmen. The bloody brits brought in the Indian workers to work in Malaysia. Ask Shah Rukh Khan what caste Samy Vellu came from and you'd understand why he cant help Malaysia to promote Malaysian products to India. While most of the Chinese came on their own to find a better life or run from the communist control there, the Indians had some assistance from the colonialist. and maybe that is also another reason why the Chinese are more ......steadfast....... than the Indians.

In any case, both come here to look for a better life. And the Malays.................. who gave this name anyway? It sounds like ... malaise.... and that's just what they are... malas.... Don't get me wrong. Malays include Jawa, Bugis, Bajau, Jakun, Kelantanese, Kedahans, Johoreans etc etc races that were here before the arrival of the Chinese and Indians. Tak semua Jawa malas. Just like Chinese includes those from different ranks and areas of china and Indians from different caste and areas of India. But due to their musafir to Malaysia, they tend to become more rajin than the locals. Just like the Malays in England. Most of them are more rajin the English. (perhaps that's why the prophets advice us to Hijrah... so that we wont be too malaise). And the Malay word..... even worst.... MELAYU!! Patut la LAYU ..... je....hehehhehe

Well, going back to the Indians and Chinese. If they cant work together in their countries.... why the heck do the Malays allow them to prosper here? Nothing wrong with them. I don't blame them, in fact, I used to admire them. But the Malays could do the same in the UK and US. But they cant do it here, in their own country. Why? Because the Malays allow it.

Chinese cant do business in India coz the Indian do not allow it and vice versa for indians in China. There may be Chinatowns and Indian restaurants in the US and UK, but are there high level Indian and Chinese ministers there? Even a Muslim American wanting to take oath using the Quran became a hot issue in the US. And here the Malays allow them to control the economy,the toll roads, construction and labour. Ask any Chinese speaking Malays and they can gladly say that they can get better discount speaking Chinese buying something from the Chinese merchants. But those in control (Malays mostly.... the ministers and royalties) closed one eye on this .... stupid! That's a clear indication of how your life's being controlled by the foreigners. And now you have to learn English in school. There goes your chance of getting better discount doing business.

Going back to Indian vs Chinese..... any worthy companies listed in the Malaysian Bursa that has only Chinese and Indians working together? Don't think so. Forget the Malays. They're there just to fill in the quota. Look else where as well. At school, in the market, oohhh yes... got a few chinese marrying indians.... but they're Christians of Muslims or Hindus or Buddhist.... and not Indian or Chinese. The Malays only have themselves to blame. Sad... really sad....

How to correct this, you may ask. Start a war. The Quran states that the Badar and Uhud war showed the true colours of the people around the Prophet. You can bet your ass that a war declared in Malaysia (against Singapore perhaps) will show who are truly Malaysians and who would run back to their country land. They're here to look for better life remember? But the Malays are here to stay and has no where else to run to, except for the royalties and ministers perhaps. Like most wars in other countries where the royalties and ministers suddenly came back after the war ended to claim what they say is rightly theirs before the war. JEEZZZ...... tak malu!!! Dont think any of the Prophets did that.

Call this article racist but ask the countries professing and promoting democracy about Guantanamo prison, communist china allowed to spread its economic powers, and the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and Osama Bin Laden.


Dec 11, 2006

Still on money

Thank you.

Perhaps you are right on the fiat (paper) money and even more accurate on the element-based currencies. Sadly, it doesn't stop there. In fact, it doesn't start there either.

Issues like profit maximisation, cost minimisation, freedom of choice/speech, Micheal Milken's "greed is good", laissez faire, and even democracy has something to do with it. Hope to get into them and others when/if I have the time.

Everything promoted by the western countries has to be scrutinised and understood using the Quran. Matters relating to Muamalah has to be researched in the Quran not only using verses and hadith related to it; just like you can marry 4 and have to be fair and then you are told you'll never be fair no matter how hard you try. ........ or............. like you are to apply Qisas but the best is to forgive being read together with Surah Al-Asr. If you know (and believe with faith) the result of your action in the hereafter ......... something like that, Insya-allah.


Dec 10, 2006

Moving to new Surau


The new surau can accomodate up to 2000 jemaah while the old one 400. Hopefully the jemaah will be able to make use of the new surau 5 times more than the old one too. The surau is not 100% completed and the jemaah has to make do with what's available. Hence, those interested to contribute may come over and chip on wherever and whenever possible to make it more comfy for those using it. It is the house of Allah and only Allah can repay the contributors.

The old surau will be converted into a primary school for islamic studies. Those interested to contribute in this area may also provide any assistance deemed necessary by your personal visit.

Photographs and contact persons for the above venue will be posted here in the future.


Dec 6, 2006

Time value of money comes in.

If you study accounting and economics, you will not be able to avoid the term "time value of money". I think a lot of people knows what it is and how to use it. But does anybody know who created/found it? Try looking for its creator anywhere and when you found it please tell me. I might give you a very pleasant gift because I could never find it anywhere and I gave up looking.

Actually, I am not surprised if its the devil itself craeted the TVM. Wanna know why? It forms the very basic foundation of RIBA' ! Thats why.

"Money today is more valuable than money tomorrow" it says. See it? No? OK.

Try these : Present value, Future value, Compounded, IRR, ARR, Annuities etc etc. which basically want the user to calculate the RIBA u get from your investments. Maybe if you use it for manufacturing processes to calculate the percentage of produce over cost of buying the machine it is not RIBA. But if you compare it to the return you'd expect from your investment.... it may still be... and it has the time element.

How is it related to insurance and unit trust u'd ask. Well..... the TVM is used to calculate the return the insurance companies get from the premium you pay periodically and compare it to the probability of your insurance being called upon before providing you with the insurance products/services. Dont be confused. It only means that TVM lets them know the insurance product available in the market (or those sold by them) will give them more money/return from they public compared to paying out as a result of claims from such products.

How come? Well.... simple. AIA will not sell cheap HIV insurance policies in an HIV infested country. And Great Eastern will not sell cancer related policies to a cancer patient because the probability of that client having a cancer and making a claim is..... almost 100% (I still say almost 100% coz Allah can still change it). I know coz I told the insurance salespersons that I will buy their policy on heart deseases when I've got it and was told that its not possible.

Islam prohibits trading on products you do not know if it exist ....... Islam prohibits insurance then..... true? u tell me. But do you know when u're gonna die? And u have life insurance.

Takaful pools the money of the contributors and provide the needy...... of those paid, they should add. What happen to those who do not pay but need the financial assistance? Go to Baitulmal to get zakat. Then no need Takaful.... improve zakat. Then Allah said we're all the same, rich or poor, big or small, the only difference is our iman and amal towards Him. Takaful is differentiating His servants (from those who has and has not). Is that ok?

Enuf written. You be d judge and enlighten me.


Dec 5, 2006

Time value of money

And so it goes...

In addition to the prediction of you dying penniless, the takaful salesperson tells you that when you die, the money will be used to manage your burial, provide financing to your famili for the foreseable future, give education to your kids, lets your wife have a life, pays your debts and so on and so forth. And the worst part is that they are trying to help you save your money for your best interest as though they are doing you a favour. Maybe they are right.

But why dont you ask them how much they get from the premiun they get and ask if they do not get the cut would they still be selling you the policy? Or maybe you could ask them...... who manages the funds? How do they manage it? Do you know the lifestyle of the fund managers managing your funds? I do... some of them are my friends. Maybe thats why I decided not to believe in them. Would you get it back if you decide to stop contributing?

How about the possibility of you being kufur if you buy an insurance policy? That cannot be... I am just trying to protect myself. What about Allah? Do you ask Allah to protect you? All muslims should rely only on Allah to protect themselves. And they say insurance is an effort towards that because they say a person only gets what he strive for. That means effort reaps reward. Thats why we buy insurance, an effort to protect during musibah.

And still it is Allah who decides what and when you get it. Even with insurance, if He says you wont get a penny, then you wont get anything. Maybe thats how the insurance company decide that when u die you wnt get a penny.... coz Allah do not want you or your famili to get anything....!!! Hahahahaha.....

Do you know that insurance or even takaful reduces your faith towards Allah? Oh yes.... when you have insurance, you can say even if i get sick i can go to better hospital for treatment as compared to if i do not have insurance. And that would give me better chance of surviving the musibah. Wow..... great..... and where does Allah come in? If you do not have insurance.... Allah is your only insurance of getting better. Logica? The only logic.

And where does the time value of money come in? In our next meeting........ Insya-Allah.


Dec 4, 2006

Of insurances, unit trust and the like

A friend dropped by my shop today and discussed his curent profession of selling takaful products. After listening to his story on what takaful is and how it works with all the zakat and jariah and khairah kematian etc etc I told him that I do not believe in such arrangements.

Its good to have takaful. When you face musibah, it can help tu reduce your burden or help to lessen your family's troubles when you're gone. In order to pertake in takaful, you sort of anticipate or at least thought of the troubles that you might encounter and try to reduce it. Kat kampung sya diorang panggil tu using the laws of probabilities to predict your future. Like insurances, all the actuaries, after studying very hard to get their degrees, would crunch all sort of figures (available or pluck from the air) to come to a reasonable premium for the takaful.

Predict..... macam tenung nasib lah lebih kurang kan...? Only its more scientific and based on available information, not from the world of jins or devils. So they say lah.

But Predict, Forecast, Guess, Calculate, Anticipate, etc etc your future... which is done by the actuaries for the insurance companies as well as takaful, or even unit trust (investments based on business activities to get positive returns) are all the same actually.... TENUNG NASIB UNTUK MELIHAT MASA DEPAN.


to be continued..........

Dec 1, 2006

I was touched.........

On Wednesday, 28th November 2006, I went to visit my auntie (my father's younger sister and only remaining sibling) in Banting. She currently living with her bed ridden husband diagnosed with all the sickness available to man. They have 5 children (I think) and numerous grandchildren. Amongst the 5, there is the slightly retarded son we call Ayob. He has a slightly dis-figured face and he is illiterate. But he is very soft spoken (maybe because of his less than normal face) and never do no harm to anybody.

I used to play with Ayob when I was a kid. We used to climb rambutan trees together, chase the chickens, play hide and seek and do all the other kampong kids stuff. we were quite close actually; but then, like everybody else, I grew up. I went school and further my studies overseas, while Ayob...... I think he never go to school. I dont know why. Maybe his parents think that the school wont accept him because of his mental condition. Of which I think is a very big mistake. But the kampong does not really have the facilities to help him get the best of his abilities, of which I think he has a lot.

Anyway......So, everybody thought Ayob is going to be a burden to his family when he grew up. His parents might have to continuously look after him even when he reaches adulthood.

I graduated, got married, and got kids of my own. Ayob, it seems, remains as he was when we were kids but with a much bigger body. His face does not show the maturity of his age, and supposedly the taints of the minds of people his age. Ok.

So, I entered the house and see this old lady taking care of her husband as well as about 5 other grandchildren sent by her other kids to her house. And I thought, compared to Ayob, the other kids got education and secured jobs with it after their parents decided to school them, and not Ayob. And my auntie still has to look after Ayob. How ... inconsiderate. The least they could do is pool some funds and hire a maid to help the mother in the house. I thought.

Then I went into my uncle's room and see his condition and make me thought that I'd rather die young than be in his shoe!!! The Prophet went at 63. I pray I wont pass that age too far. Aaaahhh .... how could they leave my auntie with all these? I thought.

I chatted with the old man and tried to make him as comfortable with me as possible and I am quite sure that he saw me being very uncomfortable looking at him. Then he asked me for a favour..... if I could help him to withdraw his pension form the bank in town. He needs to at least go to the bank and let the bank officer see him in the car while someone else take the money from the counter from him. And I cant refuse his request. "But can u get up or even move", I asked. He said,"I can use the wheelchair, just tell your auntie about it".

I went out and relay his wishes to my auntie. And she said, " Ayah engko nak pegi bank tu. Siapkan dia." AAAAAAA....... My jaw almost dropped. And the scene of what happened after that really dropped my jaw and I was quite sure I felt tears running down my eyes. Ayob obediently and gently prepared his father for the journey. And I mean literally prepared him; with all the clothing, diapers, washings, cleanings, carrying him onto the wheelchair, with all the harsh words and crying and whining and complaining coming out of his father's mouth seeming to be music to Ayob's ears. He just smiles and go about preparing his father with all the softness of a mistress seeking money from her sugar daddy. AAAAAA...... I did cry. And my auntie said that she wont know what to do with her husband if Ayob were not around. AAAA....... Her grandchildren just go about playing amongst themselves during all these. Where are your parents, kids? Too busy applying all that knowledge learnt in school at work and earning money so that there's food on the table, I guess. Or, so that they could buy and brag about the new clothes, big houses, new cars etc etc. Tsk tsk tsk.

Ok, that was just part of the story.

Later that night, I told my sister of what I saw. And did she have a story for me too......

My own mother stayed alone (with a maid, not with us) for a while after my father past away. One day the neighbour saw here climbing the stairs alone and asked where are her children. And she said...... " Ini lah dia balasan nya kalau kita hantar anak kita belajar tinggi2"........ AAAAAaaarrrrggghhhh......... I felt like the fire of the hell has reached me!!! and pulling me deeper into the furthest of the bottomless pit.

Moral of the story, dont send your kids away for education. Send them for God.
