Dec 21, 2006

Christmas, New Year and Birthday

Do you celebrate your birthday? If you do, than you should celebrate christmas and new year as well. Or even Good Friday and halloween or bank holiday and so on and so forth for all the dates celebrated and calculated using the gregorian method. It makes life much easier that the dates have been predetemined and you know now what is the date of the day 100 years from now. However, are you allowed to do that?

The Quran states that the only thing certain in this world is death. Even that you dont know when its going to happen. Life would be much easier if you know when you're gonna die, right? WRONG!!!

So, who or what gives you the right to predetermined your action by setting the dates before hand? Just look at the Hijrah date. You will not know when the next month is until you are able to see the 'anak bulan' . Every month you need to look for the first day of the month before you could confirm that you are in the next month. That is also the reason why certain country is in this month while others are already in the next......:)

Actually, the predetermined dates supports RIBA. Wow!!! How the hell did somenoe deduce that? Well ... its easy really. Ask your self : can you calculate your interest if you do not know the coming dates? Dont think so. Tempest calender wont exist.

Going back to the Birthday thingy. Are we sinners to use the dates we use everyday? Maybe. We use it because they use it. They means the non-muslims. Why do we use it? Because it makes our life easier. Not really. You are here in this world to serve God. And perhaps to remind others that we are here to serve Allah. Do you need to know the future dates to do that? We are just too engrosed with this temporary world and do our best to gain as much as possible of this world that we fix the dates so that we can concentrate on taking as much of this world with us. But thats not why we are here in this world. We are here to serve Allah so that we could go to Heaven. And we dont need to now the dates to do that. Think about it...... Why do we need to know the dates?

The Mecca and Madianh Arabs even question the Malaysians as to why do we celebrate the birthday of Nabi Muhamad saw. Just like we're supposed to celebrate the arrival of Ramadhan but we celebrate the arrival of Syawal more. Its all about MONEY/WEALTH really. .....

Tried converting Masihi birthdates to the Hijrah dates and got a few dates. because 1 Muharam in Malaysia may be 2nd in Saudi.

Lets use the Hijrah date and see/realize all the sins that we have done when we use the Masihi date.


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