Nov 24, 2006

This is SICK!!!

Pupil made a sex slave

By R.S.N. MURALI - THE STAR - Friday November 24, 2006

KUALA TERENGGANU: It all started with an invitation from her classmate who lived in the same village to play badminton at an open area near her house in Kampung Catak, Dungun, about 149km from here in November 2001.
The then 11-year-old Year Six pupil had no inkling that a second invitation from the same friend to stay for a drink after the game that evening would be the beginning of her ordeal as a sex slave and “porn star.”
After having the drink, her classmate’s father led her to a bedroom where he plied her with gifts and promised her more presents if she came over often.
State Deputy CID Chief Supt Khairi Ahrasa said the then 39-year-old computer technician asked her to take off her clothes on her visit the next day while his two children went for tuition classes. During that meeting, the man took pictures of the naked girl and fondled her.
Supt Khairi said police believe some of the victim’s nude pictures have been posted on child porn websites.
He said the girl was paid RM5 to RM30 every time she was raped or had her nude pictures taken. She visited the man several times a week.
“The suspect threatened to show the naked pictures to friends and family members if she related her ordeal to anyone,” he said.
Supt Khairi said the victim, who is now 16, was last raped by the suspect two months ago.
He said that on Wednesday, she broke down and told her mother everything.
Supt Khairi said a police report was lodged in Dungun the same day.
Yesterday, police detained the man at his home and seized a computer and several discs.


Nov 21, 2006

Nama berhala berasal dari orang soleh


Syeikh Sya’rawi berkata: “Orang kafir yang menjadikan bagi Allah seumpama dan setara di kalangan makhluk yang disembahnya.

Sedangkan orang musyrikin tidak sunyi daripada Allah berkenaan dengan uluhiah, tetapi mereka syirik bersamanya dengan yang lain sebagai sekutu-sekutu bahkan mereka kasih kepada sekutu tersebut seperti mereka kasih kepada Allah s.w.t.”

Firman Allah: Di antara manusia ada orang-orang yang menyembah sekutu-sekutu yang lain dari Allah. Mereka menyintainya sama seperti mereka menyintai Allah, tetapi orang-orang yang beriman amat cinta kepada Allah dan andainya orang-orang yang zalim itu mengetahui – ketika mereka melihat azab di hari akhirat – bahawa seluruh kekuatan itu milik Allah belaka dan bahawa Allah amat keras azab-Nya (tentulah mereka tidak akan mempersekutui Allah). (Al-Baqarah: 165)

Adapun sejarah syirik dinaqalkan daripada Imam Ibn Kathir yang berkata, Imam al-Bukhari meriwayatkan hadis daripada Ibn `Abbas bahawa berhala yang disembah oleh orang Arab adalah bermula daripada kaum Nabi Nuh a.s. Adapun berhala wad disembah oleh Kabilah Kalb, di Daumah al-Jandal.

Berhala suwa’ disembah oleh Kabilah Hudair, berhala yaghuth disembah Kabilah Marad, berhala ya’uq disembah oleh Kabilah Hamdan dan berhala nasr disembah oleh Kabilah Himyar.

Kesemua nama berhala tersebut asalnya adalah nama-nama orang soleh dari kaum Nuh a.s. Setelah orang-orang soleh tersebut meninggal dunia, lantas syaitan membisikkan dan menggoda kaumnya agar membuat patung-patung para solihin tersebut dan menyuruh mereka meletakkannya di tempat-tempat mereka berhimpun. Dan mereka juga disuruh oleh syaitan agar menamakan patung-patung tersebut dengan nama-nama orang soleh tersebut.

Kaum Nabi Nuh melaksanakan arahan syaitan tersebut.

Pada permulaan, mereka tidak menyembah patung tersebut tetapi setelah lama berselang masa dan generasi bertukar, seterusnya dilupakan oleh syaitan tentang asal usul sejarah perbuatannya. Maka akhirnya, mereka menyembah berhala tersebut.

Menurut Ibn Jarir, mereka adalah orang-orang yang hidup pada zaman antara Nabi Adam dan Nabi Nuh. Masing-masing mempunyai pengikut. Setelah mereka wafat, lantas pengikut masing-masing membuat gambar atau patung orang-orang soleh yang mereka ikuti. Mereka berkata: “Kalau kita membuat gambar mereka sudah tentu ibadat kita akan lebih khusyuk kerana dengan melihat gambar mereka kita akan teringat dengan kesolehan mereka.”

Inilah syirik atau penyelewengan akidah yang pertama terjadi di atas muka bumi. Selepas kejadian inilah Allah mengutuskan Nabi Nuh kepada kaumnya supaya mengembalikan akidah yang sebenar.

Nabi Nuh menyampaikan risalah dan peringatan Allah kepada kaumnya dengan penuh ketabahan siang dan malam, tahun demi tahun namun hasilnya tidak ramai daripada kaumnya yang mengikuti dakwah tauhid dan risalah Nabi Nuh. Menurut Ibn `Abbas jumlah pengikut Nabi Nuh hanya 80 orang dan menurut Ka`ab al-Ahbar bilangan mereka ialah 72 orang.
Ada pendapat menyatakan pengikutnya hanya 10 orang sahaja sedangkan masa dan tempoh dakwah Nabi Nuh amat panjang iaitu mencecah 950 tahun.

Sayid Qutub berkata: “Dalam kalangan manusia terdapat orang-orang yang menyembah bermacam-macam tuhan selain Allah. Tuhan-tuhan itu di masa turunnya al-Quran ini berupa batu-batu, pokok-pokok, bintang-bintang, planet-planet, malaikat-malaikat atau syaitan-syaitan. Tuhan-tuhan itu di mana-mana zaman jahiliah adalah berupa benda-benda, tokoh-tokoh, lambang-lambang atau perhitungan-perhitungan atau pandangan-pandangan.”
Semuanya merupakan syirik khafi (halus) atau syirik zahir (jelas) apabila disebut di samping nama Allah dan apabila dipersekutukan oleh seseorang di dalam hatinya bersama kekasihnya kepada Allah. Dan apatah lagi apabila dia mencabut kasih kepada Allah dari dalam hatinya dan memberi seluruh kasihnya kepada tuhan-tuhan itu, iaitu kasih yang tidak seharusnya diberikan melainkan kepada Allah.

- end-

The above article caught my interest coz yesterday i found a book (in my home....!) about the prophets and it says similar stuff about the gods of the pagans. Ironic.....

So, Kita macamana? Orang cina sembah tok nenek moyang diorang, hindu sembah orang/binatang, People of the Books sembah tuhan yang dah di putar belitkan oleh paderi2 mereka. Kita camna?

What about the pictures/photos we have in our house? Kita tak sembah memenda tu but is it wrong to have them in our house? I've been taught that muslims are not allowed to have patung2 di rumah. The above article seems explain why.

We have been sent to earth for the sole purpose of serving Allah as well as to remind the human beings to serve non but Allah. Have we done that?

Sometimes we get too busy chasing after worldly wealth adn forgot the real reason we're here on earth. sad...........

Nov 20, 2006

Al- Fatihah...........

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Praise be to Allah. The Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds.
Most Gracious. Most Merciful.
Master of the Day of Judgement.
Thee do we worship. And Thine aid we seek.
Show us the straight way.
The way of those on whom Thou has bestowed Thy Grace, Those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who got not astray.

We read the above a minimum 17 times a day. Tu pon kalau smayang la... kalau tak smayang ..... sendri tau la... Hari2 doa ni. And then tambah lak dgn sujud, pon 17 kali sehari minimum. Tapi perangai macam tu gak...... malah ada yang dah naik bengkak dahi tu dek di hentak kat lantai. But some of them are the worst of the lot. Apa nak jadi ngan manusia ni?

Yang kapir tu jgn cita la.... And worst then the kafiruun are the munafiquun. In fact, d last Prophet were warned and reminded to be weary of those munafiquun. These may be those who says and acts as Muslims but deep down inside they're just doing it to gain favors from the true muslims. Only God knows who these people are and d last Prophet were told of who they were (when He was alive) . The next question..... how are we to know?

Sometimes we ourselves may be considered as close to be munafiqs. How? Easy..... we know that as muslims we're supposed to take the Quran as our guide (belum masuk hadis lagi ni....) and our only true guide. We are to follow everything thats provided in the Quran and use it to lead our lives. Be it sometimes it seems to do harm on ourselves, 4 eg. if the Quran tells you that you have to fast.... u have to fast. What about the other laws in the Quran? If we only choose the laws in the Quran that fits our purposes and gain worldly benefits ...... MUNAFIQUUN!!! So.... hows that?

Forget about Halal hub (to bring more money to this country), Islamic banking ( to bring more money to this country), etc etc etc..... which have the same intention of bringing more money to this country. The mistake is quite fundamental actually..... WEALTH IS USED TO PUSH RELIGION. It should be the other way round..... using religion to pull "wealth" ( had to be in inverted comas coz its not the same wealth used to push religion). Nuff said....

Wahai Tuhan kami! Kurniakanlah kami rahmat dari sisiMu, dan berilah kemudahan2 serta pimpinan kepada kami untuk keselamatan agama kami. - Surah Al-Kahfi, ayat 10
..... and they were put to sleep for about 300 years.....!

Wanna sleep? hahahhaha


ps. not bad for a fresh start. :)

Nov 19, 2006

Fresh start......